Shocking revelations about the ‘great replacement theory’ uncovered

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This article has been written by Rodney Coates, professor of Critical Race and World Cultures at Miami University. The article was published on March 15, 2024, by The Conversation, and is being used with permission. The “great replacement theory,” whose origins date back to the late 19th century, argues that Jews and some Western elites are conspiring to replace White Americans and Europeans with people of non-European descent, particularly Asians and Africans. The conspiracy evolved from a series of false ideas that, over time, stoked the fears of White people: In 1892, Charles Pearson,  British-Australian author and politician, warned that White people would “wake to find ourselves elbowed and hustled, and perhaps even thrust aside by people whom we looked down.” The massive influx of immigrants into Europe at the time fostered some of these fears and resulted in “White extinction anxiety.” In the U.S., it resulted in policies targeting immigration in the late 19th and early 20th century. In France, journalist Édouard Drumont, leader of an antisemitic movement, wrote articles in the late 19th century imagining how Jews would destroy French culture. In 1909, Filippo Tommaso Marinetti, an Italian poet and supporter of Benito Mussolini, argued that war and...