Should aging leaders step down now?

Global Alerts

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Joe Biden has done an honorable thing. He set aside his ego and put America first. He has withdrawn from running for a second term as Commander-in-Chief. His mental acuity decline, his physical stamina, and his age were the major issues.  He did the right thing for the good of the nation. There are others serving the nation, serving in Congress that should consider bowing out for the good of the country. More than a quarter of House and Senate members should consider retirement. Twenty-eight percent are over the age of 65. Many of them serve on committees vital to the operations of our country, our economy, agriculture, energy and climate, and our relationship with other nations.  Six are ages 86 to 90; fifteen are ages 81 to 85, and forty-five are 75 to 80. The work of these committees touches our daily lives in personal ways.  Here are a few of the crucial committees that these aging senators and representatives serve on: The Committee on Appropriations; the Committee on Commerce, and Transportation; the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions; the Committee on Finance, the Committee of Foreign Relations; the Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship, the Committee on...