Black Owned Newspapers And Blogs

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By: Bill King There was some slow-down during desegregation, as enrollment in private schools surged. However, growth resumed by the early 1980s at a little less than 2% each year. But by the late 1990s, the growth rate began to noticeably slow, eventually falling to under .5% annually. Public school enrollment peaked in 2019 at 50.8 million. During the pandemic, parents pulled about 1.5 million children out of public schools. For the most part, those children do not appear to have returned. Th e National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) now estimates that public school enrollment will fall by the end of this decade to just under 47 million. It is important to note that the official public school enrollment numbers include charter schools, which have grown over the last twenty years from one million to nearly five million. If you subtract the charter school students, enrollment in traditional public schools peaked in 2012 and has since declined by 5%. There are several factors affecting public school enrollment. First, as I have previously noted, women everywhere in the world, but particularly in the U.S., are having fewer children. Th e Census Bureau recently reported that the cur-rent fertility rate (children...