Six New Bishops Elected at AME General Conference
Black Owned Newspapers And Blogsby Toter 3 months ago 20 Views 0 comments
Six new Bishops were elected this week during the African Methodist Episcopal Church (AMEC) General Conference held in Columbus Ohio from August 21st through the 28th, 2024. The following persons were elected:Bishops143rd BishopRev. Dr. Erika D. Crawford(Pastor, Mt. Zion AME Church, Dover, Delaware)144th BishopRev. Dr. Julius H. McAllister, Jr.(Pastor, Bethel AME Church Tallahassee)145th BishopRev. Vernon R. Byrd(Pastor, St. Matthew AME Church, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)146th BishopRev. Dr. Henry Allen Belin, III(Pastor, First-Bethel AME Church, New York, New York)147th BishopRev. Dr. Jeffery B. Cooper, Sr.General Secretary/CIO148th BishopRev. Dr. Gregory Vaughn Eason(Pastor, Flipper Temple AME Church)General OfficersRev. Dr. Roderick Belin, President/Publisher AME Sunday School Union (Publishing House)Dr. John Thomas III, Editor of The Christian RecorderRev. Garland F. Pierce, Executive Director of the Christian Education DepartmentDr. Marcus T. Henderson, Sr., Treasurer/CFORev. Dr. John F. Green, Sr., Executive Director of the Department of Global Witness and MinistryRev. Dr. Marcellus A. Norris, Executive Director of the Department of Church Growth and DevelopmentRev. Brian A. Blackwell, Executive Director of the Department of Retirement Services(Pastor, St. Paul AME Church, Birmingham, Alabama)Rev. Tyronda H. Burgess, General Secretary/CIO(Presiding Elder, Greater Dallas District, North Texas Annual Conference)Rev. Dr. Mark Tyler, Executive Director, Department of Research and Scholarship/Historiographer (Pastor, Mother Bethel AME Church,...