Social movements boosted online orders for US Black-owned restaurants after the murder of George Floyd

News Talk

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Abstract We use the rise of Black Lives Matter and the sentiment of racial sympathy to examine the interplay between the social movement and citizens’ sympathetic actions in supporting Black people. Using detailed food order flow information from one of the largest online food delivery platforms in the USA, we find that the total number of food orders from Black-owned restaurants increased by 39% relative to nearby non-Black-owned restaurants in the 140 days following the murder of George Floyd on the basis of a difference-in-difference model. The platform company’s strategic traffic allocation acted as an accelerator, enhancing the sympathetic responses of individuals, but it did not drive the entire surge in food orders. Protests resulting in severe injuries and those linked to demands for defunding the police diminished the positive sympathetic responses, highlighting a potential risk associated with protests. Our study provides large-scale, micro-level evidence that social movements and increased sympathy can foster collective actions to support marginalized communities. This is a preview of subscription content, access via your institution Access options Access through your institution Change institution Buy or subscribe /* style specs start */ /* style specs end */ Access Nature and 54 other Nature Portfolio journals Get...