Staying Stronger for Longer: Addressing sarcopenia with exercise

Black Owned Newspapers And Blogs

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Studies suggest women are prone to more muscle mass loss than men. Jamie Grill via Getty Images (NewsUSA) – Muscle health is just as important as bone health over the lifespan. When a decrease in muscle mass leads to a reduced quality of life and an inability to perform everyday tasks, it could be sarcopenia—the loss of muscle and strength that can happen when someone gets older and does less& physical activity. Sarcopenia is particularly concerning among women because the peak muscle mass and strength they achieve in their mid-thirties tend to be lower than for men. This means that when women start losing muscle, they feel the effects sooner than men. Sarcopenia generally becomes noticeable beginning at age 40. Common symptoms of sarcopenia include weaker muscles, reduced walking speeds, increased difficulty with day-to-day tasks, and falls. Sarcopenia risk is affected by age-related factors, like hormone changes that affect muscle mass and the body’s reduced ability to absorb protein, and behavioral factors, like physical activity levels or lack thereof. Muscle-strengthening activity can help older adults decrease their risk of developing sarcopenia and maintain a high quality of life. When individuals strengthen their muscles and rebuild muscle mass, they may improve...