Senate Majority PAC

News Talk

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Political leanings: Democratic& 2022 total spending: $327.4 million& The Senate Majority PAC, or SMP, is a super PAC that describes its “one mission” as helping Democrats “win Senate races.”& The super PAC is headed by J.B. Poersch, a former director of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee. Poersch was named the super PAC’s president in early 2017. Other senior staff include Amanda Ach, digital director, and Ghada Alkiek, political manager. Ach previously worked for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, and Alkiek was deputy chief of staff to Rep. Dan Kildee of Michigan. As a super PAC, the Senate Majority PAC is allowed to raise and spend unlimited amounts, but it must report expenditures and all donations of more than $200 to the Federal Election Commission. The group cannot make contributions to candidate committees and cannot coordinate independent expenditures with candidate campaigns.& As of June 30, SMP had raised about $167 million and spent more than $53 million in the 2024 election cycle, according to an analysis of FEC data by OpenSecrets, a nonpartisan group that tracks money in politics. Much of its spending was on fundraising, administrative expenses and strategy and research. Majority Forward, an affiliated 501(c)(4) organization that does not...