Super Tuesday: You Decide the next Fulton County Sheriff

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The Atlanta Voice interviewed all four candidates earlier this year at The Atlanta Voice office. Election Day is Tuesday, May 21 Kirt Beasley announced her candidacy for Fulton County Sheriff. With over 23 years of experience in Law, she said she feels this is the right time to run for office. Photo by Isaiah Singleton/The Atlanta Voice Kurt Beasley Fulton County resident Kirt Beasley officially announced her candidacy for Fulton County Sheriff. With over 23 years of law enforcement experience, Beasley said she is best for the position because she’s “homegrown”.& & Beasley began her career with the Fulton County Sheriff’s Department where she served the entirety of her career rising through the ranks under several previous administrations, including under current Fulton County Sheriff Patrick LaBat as a contractor due to her experience. “I was hired in 1994 by then Fulton County Sheriff Jacquelyn Harrison Barrett and I worked my entire career, basically at the jail. I started as a deputy and was promoted to the rank of sergeant, promoted to the rank of Lieutenant, then to the rank of captain, then the rank of major, and all the way up to the assistant chief jailer,” she said. “So, through...