Surviving the Holidays as the Black Sheep of the Family

Parenting/ Health

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Feeling like an outsider or the “black sheep” of the family can really put a damper on your spirit—especially during this time of year (and we can’t have that). Just in time for Christmas, we’ve put together a holiday survival guide for the black sheep to offer way more hope than headaches. Weigh Your Outcome Being the black sheep means you’ve probably got plenty of experience in the misunderstood department. You may feel annoyed at the thought of your family coming together (yet another holiday) to condemn you for your life choices. Or It could be that you’re already used to the sly remarks and disapproving opinions, so they just roll right off your back. Or maybe it’s not negativity that you’re experiencing from your family—but a disconnect. Regardless, decide whether or not to show up in the first place for the sake of your well-being.  Respect Differences & Find Common Ground Instead of viewing differences as obstacles, view them as opportunities for mutual learning and better understanding—or simply agree to disagree. If your family is having trouble doing so, remind them that no two people share the same views and values, even if they are related (ask any sibling...