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This thing with Satan is occupying a good part of my biblical studies lately. I’m encouraged to know that God’s plan is pretty precise and obvious to those who are looking for His Word. I was taken with reading Matthew 4: 1-11 regarding the three temptations of Jesus in the desert after 40 days of fasting. When Satan offers Christ ‘all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor; I was shocked at the power the devil has to tempt each and every one of us as we operate on what is essentially his turf. Remember Lucifer hung out with the Lord in heaven. They were roadies for a while until Lucifer got the big head and was banished to the physical realm. Once Jesus rebuked him for the third time scripture says “Then the devil left Him and angels came and attended Him.” So once Christ withstood temptation, God then delivered unto him all that Satan offered and more.You see that is Christ’s birthright and ours too. So let me get this straight.The devil probably knows the bible better than we do. He understands what tempts us because he knows what pleases God. Remember, they hung out together. Hence...