But first, reflect!

Black Owned Newspapers And Blogs

News / Black Owned Newspapers And Blogs 37 Views 0 comments

What if, instead of delving straight into resolutions, attaining goals and going after what’s on vision boards, we took a moment to settle into the newness of the year? & Sure, it’s another January and we’ve seen many of them before, but not in the year 2025. But what if? What if we just took some time to adjust to this new year? What if we took some time to take it all in or as much as our capacity allows? What if we gave ourselves some time to set a pace for how we move about this year, instead of trying to overachieve with our goals? What if we gave ourselves time to settle in and get comfortable? I know of someone who said they were using this month as a month of reflection and that resolutions wouldn’t be made until February. It caused me to raise my brow in curiosity. No sooner than I did, what was said made sense. Before we give ourselves a chance to really reflect on the year before, we get a head start on the year to come. But what if? What if we changed the way we did it and do it...