The 10 Best Ways to Stop a Panic Attack

Parenting/ Health

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Serious warnings from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) are included on Xanax boxes. Boxed warnings alert patients and doctors about the potentially dangerous effects of a drug.  Even when used as prescribed, benzodiazepines can lead to physical dependence and withdrawal if you suddenly stop using the drug. Withdrawal symptoms can be life-threatening.  Using benzodiazepines can lead to misuse and addiction. Abuse of benzodiazepines increases your risk of overdose and death.  You should only take these drugs as prescribed by your doctor. Talk to a healthcare provider if you have concerns about how to safely take a benzodiazepine.  What is a panic attack? A panic attack is a sudden, intense surge of anxiety, fear, or panic. Overwhelming emotional and physical symptoms often accompany panic attacks, such as difficulty breathing, profusely sweating and trembling, and heart pounding. Some people experience chest pain and feelings of detachment from reality during a panic attack. Oftentimes, people think they’re having a heart attack or a stroke during a panic attack.  Common Causes Panic attacks happen for various reasons. Sometimes, they happen for no apparent reason. You’re more likely to experience a panic attack if you: Have anxiety disorder Have panic disorder Have a substance...