Black Owned Newspapers And Blogs

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The GOP has declared that its political governing philosophy is based upon conservatism. Question: what is it that the GOP is seeking to conserve?Is it the Godly principles of democracy? Is it the spiritual foundational principles and oracles of God? Or is it the ungodly immoral tents of institutional racism and MAGA Trumpism? Everyone should know that the GOP is fearful of the future, and their diminishing leadership role and influence in the political affairs of American society. Unfortunately, the GOP is driven by fear and racism that is the misguided notion of the racial superiority of Whites. America, fear comes from lack of knowledge of God. Infact, there are (61) Fear Nots in the Bible, fift y-seven in the Old Testament and fourteen in the New Testament. Sadly, Trump and the GOP MAGA Cult desire that Americans experience unholy fear based upon negative fear of each other rather than positive fear of God. Th e Bible tells us that God’s love is unchanging, and: “Th e Lord is on my side; I will not fear: what can man do unto me?” (Psalm 118: 6). Therefore, embracing unholy fear is sin to the nth degree, because individuals should only fear...