The Great Democratic Debacle of 2024: A Gladiator’s Guide to Election Meltdowns

Black Owned Newspapers And Blogs

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The following article, The Great Democratic Debacle of 2024: A Gladiator’s Guide to Election Meltdowns, was first published on The Black Sphere. In the movie Gladiator, the Romans prepare for war against a ragged enemy. One of Maximus’ generals asks, “People should know when they are conquered?” Maximus replies solemnly, “Would you, Quintas?” Apparently Democrats took a page from Maximus, listened to their pollsters and decided to fight. The 2024 election aftermath left Democrat battered and bewildered, as they lay moaning on the political battlefield as the modern-day Maximus himself, Donald Trump surveys the carnage. Pollsters’ predictions were as accurate as a drunk archer at a jousting competition. Even Jon Stewart couldn’t resist mocking their epic failure, likening their misfires to Fauci’s ever-shifting guidance during the pandemic. The Schadenfreude never ends. Jon Stewart’s message to — Citizen Free Press (@CitizenFreePres) November 11, 2024 Let’s unpack the absurdity of these pollsters’ errors and the Democrats’ misplaced confidence, starting with their obsession with abortion. Abort Mission: The Abortion Overload Democrats banked hard on abortion being their unifying rally cry. But in doing so, they ignored a fundamental reality: people vote on more than one issue. Let’s break it down. The Split...