The Link Between High Blood Pressure, Fibroids and Black Women
Parenting/ HealthLifestyle / Parenting/ Health 8 months ago 52 Views 0 comments
Did you know that keeping an eye on your blood pressure could be a game-changer in preventing uterine fibroids, especially for Black women? Recent research has uncovered a strong connection between high blood pressure and the development of these pesky growths, particularly among women in their middle years. Here’s what you need to know and some tips you can easily incorporate into your daily routine to protect yourself.
Understanding Uterine Fibroids
Uterine fibroids are non-cancerous growths that can appear in your uterus, affecting a whopping 80 percent of Black women by the time they hit 50. While they’re not dangerous, they can bring on pain, heavy bleeding, and other uncomfortable symptoms. Sadly, there’s no surefire way to prevent them from popping up.
What the Study Found
A recent study tracked over 2,500 women in the U.S. for up to 17 years. At the start, none of these women had fibroids, but by the end, about 20 percent of them did. The researchers discovered something fascinating: high blood pressure seemed to play a big role.
How Your Blood Pressure Affects Fibroids
Women with untreated high blood pressure were 19 percent more likely to develop fibroids, compared to those with treated hypertension,...