The Next Chapter: What to Look for in a Second Career

Parenting/ Health

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What do you do when: there’s job loss, forced retirement, downsizing, or a layoff just one time too many; even a side hustle wouldn’t put enough of a dent in your basic living expenses; and the 9 to 5 is more of an earworm than a siren song calling your name? Gone are the days when you could bank on thirty years with a company and retire with a gold watch and sufficient pension then live out your golden years in peace with home improvement, hobbies, grandkids, and cruises to fill your days. The golden years are tarnished; you have a second mortgage if you are on the path to homeownership at all; hobbies are YouTube shorts that are monetized; the grandkid possibility has been replaced by “pet babies”; and cruises are just outside of your financial reach due to inflation or not as safe as they once were.   The answer to resolve all of these problems: more money!  But how? You redefine yourself and write the next chapter of your life. Looking inward first, then outward is key to redefining yourself. Now is the time to ask yourself some questions and re-evaluate your skill sets’ transferrable nature to the...