The Seven Days of Kwanzaa: Kuumba (Day 6)

Parenting/ Health

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The sixth day of Kwanzaa is, of course, dedicated to discussing and celebrating the sixth principle. On this day, you’ll explore other ways you can contribute to uplifting yourself and your community.  Day 6 of Kwanzaa: Kuumba The principle of Kuumba is centered on creativity. It’s where you focus on your creative side and all types of self-expression. This can include writing, painting, sculpting, filmmaking, and many others. For Kuumba, you can pledge “to always do as much as we can, in the way we can, in order to leave our community more beautiful and beneficial than how we inherited it.”  When referencing this principle, Dr. Karenga noted that “Creativity means to perform acts that leave our community more beautiful and beneficial than we inherited it.”  With that in mind, you’ll celebrate Kuumba by finding ways to express your creativity or explore what you might be good at. While doing that, you can also support the creative endeavors of people within your neighborhood or further afield.  Some common ways to celebrate this principle within your community are to plan a performance or paint a mural. If there are buildings that can benefit from beautification, then you can have a consultation...