‘The Way She Spoke … I Found Her Intriguing … And I Fell in Love Immediately’

Black Owned Newspapers And Blogs

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EDWARD & AVA BROWN By Sym Posey | The Birmingham Times Live: Birmingham Married: May 22, 1995 Met: In West End High School as 9th graders when they were on the rifle team between 1986 and 1987. “It was the summer between 9th and 10th grade because we couldn’t be on the rifle team as freshman, so we had to wait until we were sophomores,” recalled Edward. “I don’t know how I ended up being team captain, but our instructor gave me a list of potential members and as the new team captain it was my job to contact them over the summer and ask them if they wanted to be members of the team and Ava was on that list.” The two remained friends throughout high school and wouldn’t start dating until after they graduated in 1990. First date: At Asian style restaurant in Crestwood at Shangri-La. Both are unsure of the year. “We didn’t date until after we had graduated high school and after Edward had gone off to the Army to Fort Hood and returned home to Birmingham. Through my brother Anthony, we reconnected,” said Ava, adding, “he (Edward) was a pure gentleman. Even more respectful and...