1919—The “first” Pan African Congress is held bringing together prominent Blacks from throughout the world to chart a program for Black unity and betterment. African American scholar and activist W.E.B. DuBois was the chief organizer. The gathering was held in Paris, France, and drew 57 distinguished delegates including 16 from the United States, 14 from Africa and others from the Caribbean, South America and Europe. (The 1919 Congress is considered by many the “first” but another such Congress had been organized in 1900.)
1940—Smokey Robinson is born William Robinson in Detroit, Mich. He formed “The Miracles” in 1955 while still in high school. With his voice and poetry of song, Robinson led The Miracles as the group became one of the all-time best record-sellers for Barry Gordy’s Motown music empire.
PIN UP GIRL— The Pin Up Girl was very popular during World War II and the most popular among Blacks of the time was actress/singer Lena Horne. Above the beautiful Horne was also the “Pin Up Girl” for the Tuskegee Airmen. Above Horne with some Tuskegee Airmen. (Photo supplied by Regis Bobonis)
1942—The Tuskegee Airmen are activated for service in World War II. The all-Black pursuit squadron,...