As Indiana enters its summer months and Memorial Day approaches, increased road traffic and bicyclists heighten the risk of accidents, bringing distracted driving to the forefront for drivers across the state.
According to data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), 2022 marked the deadliest year on record for cyclists, with distracted driving claiming 3,308 lives.
James Bryan, traffic safety director at the Indiana Criminal Justice Institute (ICJI), highlights four main behaviors that contribute to nearly every crash: speeding, lack of seat belt use, impaired driving and distracted driving.
“If you look back at any serious crash, you’re going to find one or, in many cases, two, three or four of those types of driver behaviors,” Bryan said.
The former attorney emphasized the importance of undistracted driving.
“Driving is a responsibility, and it takes our full attention,” he said.
Distracted driving is any activity that diverts attention from driving, with texting being the most alarming distraction reported by the NHTSA.
A new campaign, launched last month by the agency, raises awareness of the dangers of distracted driving. The newly rebranded Put the Phone Away or Pay campaign reminds drivers of the deadly dangers and the legal consequences — including...