Today is National Black Voter Day: Here is Everything You Need to Know

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Today, Sept. 20, we mark National Black Voter Day, a day dedicated to highlighting the power and influence of the Black vote in shaping the future of our nation.& Recently, the NAACP unveiled its latest polling results, revealing critical insights into the priorities and attitudes of millions of infrequent Black voters. Conducted in partnership with Hart Research and HIT Strategies, this research is a cornerstone of the NAACP’s multi-million dollar civic engagement program, targeting 14.5 million voters across 12 key states. The newly released polling data revealed several key takeaways: Over half of Black voters (53%) believe that protecting their rights and freedoms should be the highest priority for elected leaders, surpassing economic concerns (40%) and other issues (7%). Economic concerns, particularly inflation’s impact on everyday essentials like food, housing, and utilities, are the biggest stressors for Black voters. Most notably, 78% of Black voters are as excited or even more excited about voting now than they were when President Obama first ran for office, with 56% feeling more energized than in 2008. This enthusiasm reflects the tangible impact of the Black vote in recent years. From progress on student loan forgiveness and state-level protections for reproductive rights to the...