Turning Thirty: Albertina Walker & the Music City Mass Choir

Black Owned Newspapers And Blogs

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On the heels of their Grammy nomination for their 1992 debut, Never Let Go of His Hand, the Music City Mass Choir returned in 1994 with a power-packed sophomore project, We’ve Come to Praise Him. Where their debut had focused around Lawrence Thomison, a Nashville-based singer/preacher who’d first come to national prominence in the 70s as part of Dewitt Johnson’s Johnson Ensemble, We’ve Come to Praise Him took a different approach. Combining known soloists like Bob Bailey and Beverly Crawford with strong voices from the choir’s interior, producer Derrick Leepresents a strong representation of the breadth of talent situated in Nashville and its surrounding areas in the early 90s. Lee’s production leaned on the players he’d been utilizing in his work with Bobby Jones and New Life. Lee handled keyboards with the brilliant Ralph Lofton on organ, Jim Long on guitar, Micah Mabson on bass and Terry Baker on drums, delivering a cohesive, fiery musical padding undergirding this dynamic choir. The choir’s soloists shine on “Thank God for Saving Me” (led by Toya Risby), “Strengthen Me” (led by Leah Knox), and “He Lifted Me” (led by Jackie Jerkins), each brilliantly bringing a traditional feel to Lee’s contemporary arrangements. The guest...