UMES Launches Patent and Trademark Resource Center
Forum TalkCommunity Forum / Forum Talk 3 months ago 12 Views 0 comments
Aspiring entrepreneurs at the University of Maryland Eastern Shore and throughout the local community now have a valuable new resource to help them turn their innovative ideas into reality. This July, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office designated UMES a Patent and Trademark Resource Center. UMES became the fifth historically black college or university to receive this recognition and the only PTRC on Eastern Shore.
The establishment of the PTRC is a natural progression for UMES’s Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation. Dr. Pamela Allison, endowed chair of the CEI, expressed her enthusiasm for the new center. “In the past, we’ve hosted trademark boot camps for entrepreneurs where they can come in with an idea and, by the end of the day, be ready to file their trademark application,” said Dr. Allison. “As we were preparing for a patent boot camp, we were approached with the idea about being a PTRC, and it went from there.”
PTRCs are crucial in the USPTO’s mission to support the public’s intellectual property needs. They aim to provide accessible resources that help individuals navigate the often complex and daunting landscape of patents and trademarks.
The Fifth HBCU To Receive U.S. Patent Office Designation
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