What does fatherhood mean to you?
Latest Current Topicsby Toter 6 months ago 35 Views 0 comments
Legacy of three sons
Pictured above: Jamar Robinson and his three sons Kanai, 4 (in red) Cason, 10, (middle) and Kamali, 7. Photo by Kerri Phox/The Atlanta Voice
By Jamar Robinson, 43, wellness and performance coach, Atlanta, GA
“When I think about fatherhood I think about legacy. I didn’t have much of a relationship with my father when I was coming up, so as I got older and I got more aware I could see the differences between my friends who had fathers in their lives and those who didn’t. As far as confidence, conflict resolution, how they carried themselves and bounced back from hardships and things of that nature.”
“I just try and make sure I spend individual time with each one of my sons. In my three sons (ages 10, 7, and 4)& I can see myself in each one of them. My oldest is into sci-fi and photography. My middle son is the action, adventure, superheroes type of kid. My youngest son is the rough and tumble, sports, football, basketball type of kid. Since all three of those kids live within me, when we have individual time we connect on different levels in different ways.”
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