What’s Kamala’s problem with black men?
News Talk
There’s a candidate in the US presidential election who seems to think black men are tragic dopeheads. And who frets over black men’s sexism. And who worries that black folk are susceptible to the manipulative tactics of foreign actors. Probably as a consequence of all that weed they’re smoking. It must be Donald Trump, right, the man branded a racist menace by America’s coastal-dwelling, opinion-making classes? Actually, it’s Kamala Harris.
What is Team Kamala’s problem with black men? Something’s up. Even the Nation thinks her appeals to black male voters have ‘miss[ed] the mark’. They’ve done more than that – they’ve depicted black men as a singular blob whose most pressing needs include the right to partake in some Mary Jane and the prising open of their lazy eyes to the scourge of their own sexist thinking. If you want to see racial stereotyping of African Americans, forget Trump – check out Harris.
Harris’s pitch to African American males has been alarmingly oafish. She kicked it off a couple of weeks ago with a ‘black-friendly’ policy agenda that included a promise to legalise weed and protect crypto-currency assets. This led to a headline at NPR, America’s painfully woke public broadcaster,...