What’s With the Bumblebee Graffiti All Over Maine Stores?


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Okay, I’ve had enough of whoever this idiot of a person is. Last week, I remember seeing a spray-painted bumblebee on the front of a store window in downtown Portland, and thinking, “I hope that person’s happy now that they’ve successfully made themselves look like a jerk with their ‘art’.” Krissy Hi FiKrissy Hi Fi loading… The next day, that same business had painted over it, and I was happy to see it looking back to normal. Well, that wasn’t the end of it. The next day, the damn bumblebee was back, but on the neighboring storefront. At this point, this person is just a jerk, not an artist. By the end of the day, the bee was yet again painted over, and I felt bad for this small business owner. At this point, fine. I can recognize a jerk who’s bored in the middle of the night and wants to look cool in front of his friends, but today, it’s thrown me over the edge, because it only gets worse. There’s a small business across the street from my studio that just had their windows broken by somebody in the middle of the night, also causing havoc. There’s now...