Which Immunosuppressive Drugs Are Right For You?
Parenting/ HealthLifestyle / Parenting/ Health 45 minutes ago 11 Views 0 comments
The immunosuppressive medicine regimen you choose will significantly impact your health and overall well-being. I invite you to join me as I guide you through your options and help you select the most practical one for your needs.
A potent class of anti-inflammatory medications known as corticosteroids can depress the immune system. Their use is effective in treating a wide variety of inflammatory and autoimmune conditions.
Some of the potential unpleasant effects of corticosteroids include:
Weight gain
Mood changes
An increased risk of infections
A loss in bone density
These are only some of the potential side effects, although corticosteroids are beneficial in treating symptoms. The use of corticosteroids for a lengthy period may result in several adverse consequences, two of the most serious of which are bone loss and adrenal insufficiency. This is why corticosteroids are often recommended for a short period or used in concert with other drugs that suppress the immune system.
RELATED: Immunosuppression: Is Your Medication Making You Sick?
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