White House touts historic increase in black wealth and economic recovery
Hot Topics TalkLifestyle / Hot Topics Talk 11 months ago 61 Views 0 comments
By Hazel Trice Edney
(TriceEdneyWire.com) – Circumventing criticism from pundits who say Democrats, including the Biden Administration, have done little to advance the Black community, the White House had released a special report unveiling a list of “Equity and Opportunity” successes advanced for Black Americans and communities across the country.
“Over the past three years, President Biden and Vice President Harris have leveraged the full force of the Federal Government to advance racial justice and equity and ensure the promise of America for all communities, including Black Americans, across the country,” states the report released this month. “With the support of these efforts, Black Americans are starting new businesses, creating jobs, buying homes, and taking advantage of increased education opportunities at historic rates—contributing to a 60% increase in wealth compared to before the pandemic. And this boom in wealth creation following the pandemic is helping to drive a& historically equitable economic recovery.”
The report continues, “From promoting entrepreneurship to increasing access to homeownership and delivering the lowest Black unemployment rate, from proving it’s possible to reduce child poverty to historic lows to expanding access to quality affordable healthcare, from advancing voting rights and police accountability to ensuring equal access to...