Why Are So Many Young Black Adults Getting Cancer?

Parenting/ Health

Lifestyle / Parenting/ Health 42 Views 0 comments

What’s causing all this cancer? Especially among young Black folks, what’s leading to this? While it’s not uncommon for older individuals to develop cancer or face more aggressive forms and diagnoses, how could this be happening among young people?  Here’s the good news. We know many of the reasons.  Now here’s the bad news. Just because we know the reasons, doesn’t mean there’s an easy fix.  What will really make this trend shift is a societal-level change. So let’s get right to it. Here are some of the top reasons cancer rates may be exploding among young Black men and women, and kids.  1. Environmental Pollutants It’s all about location. Because countless Black communities are next to polluting industries and major highways, environmental crap is always a concern. Everything from air pollutants like volatile organic compounds (VOCs) to lead, formaldehyde, and residues in your food, you never quite know what you’re getting.  A smart idea is to monitor daily pollution based on the weather. Advocate for change, and try to use filters for your water and air purifiers in your home if you can. If you like to walk, try to find more nature-friendly areas and avoid urban centers at...