‘You’re Not Getting Away!’: California Man Pummels Black Netflix Chef Wendy Drew After Calling Her the N-word In Survellience Footage, Leaving Her with a Broken Nose, Eye Injury

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A man faces hate crime charges after allegedly launching a racially-motivated attack in San Francisco against a Black chef who starred in a Netflix limited series. Wendy Drew, a chef who founded and appears in the series “You Are What You Eat: A Twin Experiment,” recounted to multiple news outlets the harrowing moments when she was attacked. Drew said she was leaving Cafe Terminus on California Street at 9:30 p.m. on Sunday, Sept. 1, when a man walking his dog passing her on the sidewalk called her a racial slur, taking her by surprise. Netflix chef Wendy Drew speaks out about a racist attack. (Photo: YouTube screenshot/laborvideo) “I’m on the phone with my mom, and this regular-looking guy walking his dog walks by and calls me the N-word,” Drew told KTVU. She said she turned to confront the man when he suddenly struck her on the head and began relentlessly punching her in the face, literally adding injury to insult. “It was very fast like three, four, five punches. And then I grabbed him. And I was like, no you’re not getting away with doing this to me,” Drew said. “And that’s when he pushes me to the ground, and...