10 Easy Ways To Adopt The African Heritage Diet

Parenting/ Health

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Recent studies show that Black Americans continue to be more prone to illnesses like heart disease, diabetes, and Alzheimer’s as they age. One way to tackle your health is to take a closer look at your diet. While different diets are available, the African Heritage Diet might be the most beneficial for you. What’s The African Heritage Diet? The African Heritage Diet focuses on the culinary options of the African diaspora while also incorporating the essential basics of proper nutrition. Apart from improving your overall health, it may help you to connect with your African roots and help you to celebrate your culture.  The Foods You Should Eat There’s an African Heritage Diet food pyramid that is meant to help you plan your daily meals. At the base of the pyramid, you’ll find leafy greens like callaloo, beet greens, kale, spinach, dandelion greens, and turnip greens. Above that is a level for vegetables like jicama, eggplants, okra, carrots, broccoli, squash, asparagus, and beets. Tubers like yam, yuca, cassava, and potatoes are at that level as well. That level also has fruits, whole grains, nuts, and beans. There is also a level for herbs and spices such as ginger, arrowroot, cinnamon,...