11 Tips To Be Healthy For Life & Not Just A Moment

Parenting/ Health

Lifestyle / Parenting/ Health 16 Views 0 comments

Anyone can make a healthy lifestyle change for life. However, most people only do it when they are forced to – medical reasons such as heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and even special moments such as a wedding, class reunion, or vacation will influence the need to exercise and adjust to a healthier diet. In these instances, goals are set for that moment in life, not for the rest of your life, causing results to be short-lived. I’ve trained hundreds of clients and found that 70 percent of my clients wanted a moment in life change. Those clients who demonstrated sustainable healthy living were those who followed my 11 healthy lifestyle principles consistently even when they were training on their own. Whether it’s Zumba, P90-X, Insanity or simply walking in a park, we all should engage in a daily exercise routine to promote a healthy lifestyle change. Remember, “It’s not what you do; it’s that you do SOMETHING.” The following 11 principles will help you adopt a healthy lifestyle versus a temporary change. 1. Know your health truth. Build a sustainable, interactive relationship with your doctor. Understand where you are mentally, physically and emotionally. Understand your family’s medical history and ask...