4 Ways Black Men Show Signs of Anxiety

Parenting/ Health

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I often joke with my male cousins about “guy code” and how those unspoken but universally known rules guide their communication, actions, and reactions to each other. Even how men complement each other is strictly enforced by such rules. To veer outside the norm is essentially taboo, possibly calling one’s entire manhood into question, and how men deal with feelings like anxiety falls under such fundamental guidelines. For Black men, anxiety stems from various factors, like lack of financial security, PTSD, and racial discrimination. These factors are either repressed or ignored altogether and are exhibited through various moods and behaviors your man probably has no idea are linked. It’s an eternally frustrating riddle: you say “What’s wrong baby?” he says “Nothing”. But is it that they aren’t expressing their anxiety, or are you not reading the signs? Here are five ways men are showing you they’re anxious, without saying anything at all. 1. He isn’t sleeping well. Your man might brush off his lack of sleep with excuses, like “I just don’t need as much sleep as other people” or that he’s a night owl, but don’t be fooled. Insomnia is a serious symptom of anxiety, contributing to the serious...