6 Easy Ways to Manage Tardive Dyskinesia in Public

Parenting/ Health

Lifestyle / Parenting/ Health 35 Views 0 comments

If you or someone you know has Tardive Dyskinesia (TD), you already know. All those tics and twitches, jerking and jostling, can be straight-up embarrassing when in public. Fortunately, while these involuntary movements may make normal social functioning difficult, they don’t have to.  If you’re experiencing TD, despite stopping or changing your medication, there’s help.  Here are six easy strategies for managing your TD in social settings. 1. Progressive Muscle Relaxation Never heard of it? Progressive muscle relaxation (PMR) is a technique that trains your body to relax. You start by tensing various muscles and then gradually relaxing them. You can do this by tensing different groups all at once, or going group by group. Over time, this can reduce the likelihood of involuntary movements from TD.  To master PMR, first find a comfy quiet place. Sit or lie, and start with your feet. Gradually work up your body as you tense and release each muscle group for roughly five seconds of tension, and 20 seconds for relaxation. As you go, focus on how it feels, and be sure to inhale and exhale calmly. With regular practice, PMR can minimize your stress and lessen TD symptoms. 2. Comfortable Clothing Loose-fitting...