6 LIFE-SAVING Facts About Sickle Cell Anemia

Parenting/ Health

Lifestyle / Parenting/ Health 54 Views 0 comments

A genetic blood disorder with very real and painful consequences, sickle cell anemia is no joke. Impacting millions across the globe, this condition is actually a result of genetics. When your hemoglobin gene is mutated, the shape of your blood cells may change.  That shape – a sickle – is where the disease gets its name.  But did you know that these abnormally shaped red blood cells can cause all kinds of unexpected problems?  Turns out, there’s a lot to sickle cell anemia beyond the surface. Here are six life-saving facts you need to know, whether sufferer, caretaker, or anyone else.  1. Early Screening = VITAL Did you know newborns can be screened for the disease? According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), these screening programs are crucial for initial diagnosis. They’re also invaluable when it comes to proper, effective treatment. The main reason for this is that early screening may actually detect the disease before symptoms appear.   It’s especially important for parents who may be ‘carriers’ and can pass on the gene to their babies. If you have a family history, definitely look into genetic counseling. Once detected, checking up with a hematologist can ensure you...