6 Solo Date Ideas Perfect for a Party of One

Parenting/ Health

Lifestyle / Parenting/ Health 32 Views 0 comments

Being on a budget and without a significant other doesn’t mean you can’t have fun on your own and stay healthy.  Get creative and try one of these or add your own to the list. 1. DIY dinner and a streamed movie What do you have Disney for if you’re never going to watch it? Connect with your inner Disney princess (or prince) for evening entertainment. Even though there’s no Prince (or Princess) Charming on the sofa beside you while you watch, you can settle for Prince on your playlist while you prepare your meal: a gourmet feast of your favorites for one. You deserve a quality home-cooked meal, so spoil yourself the same way you’d like to be spoiled. Treat yourself to your meal then dim the lights and voila, dinner and a movie, without having to negotiate about the movie’s content or the type of cuisine for your meal. 2. Music under the stars Take a drive from the city to the country where countless stars and cleaner air replace the city’s smog and big lights. Choose jazz, classical, or whatever type of tunes float your boat while you drive then arrive and look up for the celestial...