A Prosperous Tomorrow empowers Baltimore residents with tech skills

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By Megan SaylesAFRO Business Writermsayles@afro.com When Devin Jackson first discovered that 40 percent of Baltimoreans did not have wireline internet service and more than 25 percent lacked a digital device, he was in disbelief.& The East Baltimore native has spent much of his career in e-commerce and social media marketing. As a result, his livelihood hinged on accessing the internet and using a device.& “You can have my house itself because I can buy another house,” said Jackson. “But, if you take my internet away from me, I can’t function. I wouldn’t be able to feed my family because that’s what I do for a living.”& Devin Jackson is the founder of A Prosperous Tomorrow, an organization that’s joined the fight against the digital divide in Baltimore. The nonprofit supplies digital literacy and technology career training to city residents. (Photo courtesy of Devin Jackson) The value of the internet and devices was not only apparent to him but critical to maintain employment.& A few years ago, Jackson experienced a cancer scare after discovering a tumor on his throat. His fear pushed him to turn to prayer to cope with the challenging time. In his reflection, he discerned that his calling...