A Secret to Working Mom's Success: Recognizing Your Power

Parenting/ Health

by Toter 11 Views 0 comments

"Edit your life frequently and ruthlessly. It is your masterpiece after all." -Lindsay McCombRecently I listened to a TedTalk where the presenter indicated that we are all the editors of our own lives, and I can't unhear that. I have subscribed for a long time about being the architect of my own life, probably because I have been an acolyte of Oprah, Deepak Chopra and other leaders in the self-help space for years. For a time, when I was younger and unencumbered, that line of thinking made complete sense.Now, I feel differently.I have some years under my belt, and I have lived. I have encountered people who have done me wrong, killed my dog and taken my man, I have other thoughts. OK, I may have thought I was writing a country music song there. So, let's steer back to the& main point. And, for the record, I have never owned a dog!Seriously, when other people attempt to destroy the life you have designed and constructed, calling yourself the "architect of your own life" feels somewhat inauthentic and begs some questions. One is, what is the purpose of that effort if the big bad wolf can blow your house down...