Antarctic Ice Loss Is Significant, Contrary to Claims

News Talk

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SciCheck Digest Antarctica is losing ice mass to the ocean, contributing to global sea level rise. But a popular video misrepresented work focused on Antarctic ice shelves — which float in the sea at the edges of the continent — to incorrectly suggest that “it is unclear if Antarctica is losing any ice on balance.” Full Story The Antarctic& ice sheet& is a vast mass of ice,& accumulated& over millennia via snowfall, that sits atop bedrock, covering nearly all of Antarctica. As the ice spreads outward and meets the ocean, some of it begins to float. These floating ice platforms, which& surround& about three-quarters of Antarctica, are called ice shelves. Antarctic land ice loss into the ocean is an& increasingly& important& contributor& to global& sea level rise. In contrast, ice shelf loss& doesn’t directly& cause sea level rise, as the ice is already floating in the ocean and displacing water. However, ice shelf changes can contribute to land ice loss, as ice shelves in some areas buttress land ice and slow its descent into the ocean. A popular video from the Heartland Institute — which has a long& history& of casting doubt on climate science — minimized the significance of...