As Many As 5% Of White California Residents Could Qualify For State’s Slavery Reparations

News Talk

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Cash Photo Source: TFP File Photo Sane California Democrats have sought a way out of the state’s nutty slavery reparations scheme ever since last year when a special task force appointed by left-wing Gov. Gavin Newsom declared that the price tag could reach $800 billion. Other than some black state residents who stand to benefit from the proposal, Californians overwhelmingly oppose the idea of direct cash payments to blacks, some of whom could reap $1.2 million each.  But here’s one thing that could surely kill California’s reparation scheme: white people could qualify for payments. Read: Biden Admin Sues Mid-Atlantic Gas Station Chain Because It Refused To Hire Criminals The conservative Media Research Center reported last week that the state is considering creating an office of genealogy within the proposed California American Freedmen Affairs Agency, a cabinet-level office that would judge who’s eligible for reparations. The genealogy office would evaluate claims based on the proposed qualifications, which say reparations would go to “descendants of an African American chattel enslaved person in the United States.” “As no ancestry percentage qualifications have yet been determined, this has raised the prospect that whites with some quantity of black ancestry may find themselves qualified to...