Call for states to protect their trans residents
Black Owned Newspapers And Blogsby Toter 3 months ago 45 Views 0 comments
We will not mince our words. Donald Trump, the man just elected to the presidency of the United States has run explicitly on over a decade of anti-transgender rhetoric, promises of open violence, and harm to transgender well-being, acceptance and safety in this country. Transgender Americans flatly refuse to be intimidated into silence. We have no doubt he will once again use his elected position to harm marginalized communities and incite violence.Under increasing federal persecution, we demand that state and local officials protect their trans residents, not with words or proclamations, but with legal protections and designated resources by enacting legislation, executive orders and local ordinances that mandate explicit protections on the basis of gender identity and gender expression, our right to accurate legal documentation and lifesaving health care, and provide public assistance to transgender Americans forced to become internal refugees from states that refuse to guarantee these rights.History will judge your actions in the coming months. The world will judge you. We will judge you, both as transgender Americans and as The Trans Formations Project. Transgender Americans cannot afford to wait any longer. We are fighting for our very lives. You must too.Choose wisely.We will do everything in our...