Category : Parenting/ Health

Lifestyle / Parenting/ Health - 6 months ago

Is UC Surgery Right For You?

A chronic inflammatory bowel disease impacting the colon and rectum, ulcerative colitis can get uncomfortable fast. Although it can usually be managed with medication and lifestyle changes, sometimes these options simply aren’t enough.  Sometimes, d...

Lifestyle / Parenting/ Health - 6 months ago

10 Mindblowing Health Benefits of Ginger!

Consuming ginger will contribute to your overall health. Fact! Ginger can heal you in many different ways. Fact! You’ll be mind blown by the end of this article, also a fact! Ginger comes from a flowering plant. The plant has a thick, knotted underg...

Lifestyle / Parenting/ Health - 6 months ago

Father Figures: The 10 Best Black TV Dads

For many of us, the dads on some of our favorite shows also served as great father figures. In honor of Father's Day, we're sharing our favorite TV Dads. Check out our top 10 best Black TV Dads. 10. Carl Winslow - Reginald VelJohnson on 'Family Matte...