Category : Parenting/ Health

Lifestyle / Parenting/ Health - 6 months ago

9 Foods You SHOULD Super Size!

Remember the documentary “Super Size Me” where the director discovered how bad it is for you to eat a certain fast food restaurant’s food? He even super-sized it every time an employee asked him to.  Supersizing a meal is no longer...

Lifestyle / Parenting/ Health - 6 months ago

Is it Time to Normalize Man Weaves?

It’s true, you are getting older, and the men around you are getting older. It’s okay; we’re all getting older. With that honesty being at the center of life, however, we have to be sensitive that people’s acceptance of age d...

Lifestyle / Parenting/ Health - 6 months ago

Knotless Styles You Should Try This Summer

I’ve been a box braids girlie for about five years now.  When I was younger, I used to hate box braids but that’s only because I didn’t know what to do with them. I usually had them black and straight down my back, barely passing my shoulder blades....

Lifestyle / Parenting/ Health - 6 months ago

Box Braid Styles You Should Try This Summer

I’ve been a box braids girlie for about five years now.  When I was younger, I used to hate box braids but that’s only because I didn’t know what to do with them. I usually had them black and straight down my back, barely passing my shoulder blades....