Category : Lifestyle

5 months ago

KC Tenants Makes Monumental Statement with First-Ever Rent Strike

Image of KC Tenants outside of Quality Hill Towers, courtesy of KC Tenants Instagram KANSAS CITY, MO – Last week, tenants of Quality Hill Towers and Independence Towers decided to authorize the first-ever rent strike in KC Tenants history. The st...

5 months ago

California took several actions for reparations. Could MD be next?

California Gov. Gavin Newsom’s apology last week for the state’s part in condoning slavery has reinvigorated conversations in Maryland about what can be done to atone for its role in enslavement and the subsequent discriminatory practices levied agai...

5 months ago

J. Pharoah Doss: Books can’t compete with the screen?

Getty Images Stock Photo Novelist Philip Roth told an interviewer: The book can’t compete with the screen. It couldn’t compete—beginning—with the movie screen. It couldn’t compete with the television screen, and it can’t compete with the computer scr...