Crystal Churchwell Evans Joins Fisk University as VP of Development and Alumni Affairs

Black Owned Newspapers And Blogs

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NASHVILLE, Tenn. – Crystal Churchwell Evans, former Director of Development for Frist Art Museum, has joined Fisk University as its Vice President of Development and Alumni Affairs, according to Dr. Agenia Clark, the university’s president. “Crystal brings a wealth of knowledge in business, community partnerships and communications to Fisk and I am elated for her to join our team,” said Dr. Clark. “Not only is Crystal well-experienced in organizational development, she also has a long-standing connection to the institution as her grandfather − a Fisk alumnus − met her grandmother while a student at Fisk. Passionate about community engagement and social justice, Crystal embodies values deeply ingrained in the university’s mission and we are thrilled to welcome her to Fisk.” For nearly six years, Evans served as the Director of Development at the Frist Art Museum – showcasing her strong leadership and commitment to the museum’s growth. In this capacity, she oversaw various revenue sources, supervised a team of 10 and collaborated closely with the CEO. Evans’ tenure at Frist was underscored by her implementation of influential fundraising initiatives, the nurturing of donor connections and the improvement of organizational processes – all of which significantly contributed to the museum’s financial...