CXC Reverses Decision To Suspend Certain Subjects
Caribbean and World Newsby Toter 6 months ago 48 Views 0 comments
Arising from a meeting today with Ministers of Education from across the region, the Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC®) will continue to offer syllabuses for Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination® (CAPE®) Green Engineering, CAPE® Electrical and Electronic Engineering Technology, Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate®
(CSEC®) Agricultural Science (Double Award) and CSEC® Industrial Technology – the Mechanical Engineering option, in keeping with its menu of new generation technology and science syllabuses.
At a press conference convened after the meeting, Dr Wayne Wesley, CXC® Registrar and CEO, met with reporters to make the following announcements:
“The meeting with the Ministers of Education demonstrated our shared commitment to find a ‘critical path forward’ on this matter, given the pressing education and human capacity development imperatives facing the region.
The Ministers were forthright in their positions, pledging their support for CXC®, and for more direct lines of communications with the CXC®. I therefore want to announce our agreed positions emerging from the meeting as follows:
The Caribbean Examinations Council will continue to offer syllabuses for CAPE® Green Engineering, CAPE® Electrical and Electronic Engineering Technology, CSEC® Agricultural Science (Double Award) and CSEC® Industrial Technology – the Mechanical Engineering option.
CXC® has rolled out a menu of new generation...