& “With Trump in the White House, social conservatives can use executive action to try to ban abortion; MAGA nationalists can end most forms of immigration, commence mass deportations and leverage civil rights laws against imagined “anti-white” discrimination; and reactionary opponents of social insurance can weaken Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security. And this is to say nothing of Trump’s own plans to rule as an autocrat under a court-sanctioned theory of unitary executive authority.”– Jamelle Bouie(TriceEdneyWire.com) – Project 2025, the sweeping extremist policy agenda assembled by Donald Trump’s supporters, allies and veterans of his administration, is deeply unpopular with the American people.Related Stories
As a candidate, Trump’s response was to feign ignorance. During his Sept. 10 debate with Vice President Kamala Harris, he claimed he hadn’t even read it.What he didn’t say was whether or not he supported the alarming proposals it contains, or whether he would implement them as president. In fact, at least 270 of the proposals in Project 2025 match Trump’s own past policies, previous actions or current campaign promises.Key to the agenda is a drastic overhaul of the federal government, purging it of conscientious civil servants and replacing them with Trump loyalists. Trump began that process...