(TriceEdneyWire.com)—As a rule, I usually just call Donald Trump the Orange Man, but make no mistake, I am talking about Donald Trump now, and it’s time to give him space at our conferences to truly hear what his plans for us are.&
What kind of person is Donald Trump and what are we going to do about him? No matter what he is doing that involves a Black woman, he misrepresents us grossly.
Does he hate Black women?& When he says he is “entitled” to make personal attacks against Vice-President Kamala Harris and proceeds to refer to her as low IQ and other negative things about her, does he think any woman and any self-respecting man is going to believe him? Does he believe bad-mouthing Vice-President Kamala Harris is going to encourage any sensible person to vote for him?
When adding up all of his ignorant statements and behavior about us that he makes on a regular basis, we must decide if we are going to continue to allow him to have a field day, and add to the fact he has a vice-presidential running mate who doesn’t sound any better, but he is mistakenly projecting his own running mate’s...