Etania Forever: A Rising Star Recounts Her Journey to Fame
Global Alertsby Toter 10 months ago 53 Views 0 comments
By BigEyeUg Team
In the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, amidst the chaos and uncertainty, a star was quietly rising in the Ugandan entertainment scene.
Etania Forever
Etania Forever, a previously unknown talent, found herself catapulted into the spotlight through the NTV Mix Show and NBS Katchup competition.
Recalling the pivotal moment in her career, Etania reminisces about the unexpected turn of events. “Unknown netizens on Twitter recommended me by name, believing in my potential to shine if given the opportunity on one of the TV stations participating in the competition,” she reveals.
Despite having never graced the television screens before, both NTV and NBS TV reached out to Etania.
However, faced with the crucial decision of choosing between the two, Etania ultimately opted for NTV. “It felt like the right fit for me,” she explains.
Little did Etania know that this decision would mark the beginning of her journey to fame. The exposure garnered from appearing on television opened doors to new opportunities, with other businesses eagerly booking her as an MC.
“It was incredibly exciting for me,” Etania shares, reflecting on the whirlwind of events that followed her television debut.
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