Gov. Lee’s school voucher plan is not for us
Black Owned Newspapers And Blogsby Toter 1 day ago 27 Views 0 comments
By Senator Charlane Oliver
There’s an old slogan used in activism: “Nothing about us, without us, is for us.” This truth applies to Governor Lee’s school voucher proposal being rushed through a special session.
Tennessee’s public education system is under siege by wealthy conservative oligarchs like former Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, who are bankrolling Republican leaders to push school vouchers. Ultra-wealthy conservatives have made dismantling public education their mission, even descending upon Washington ready to disband the U.S. Department of Education.
For the sake of our children and future children, we must declare public education the human rights issue of our time. Defunding public schools threatens our democratic society for generations.
As a product of zoned public schools, a mother of three attending Metro Nashville public schools, and the daughter of a 33-year veteran special education teacher, I’m writing to forewarn parents, educators, and taxpayers that Governor Lee’s proposed $400 million school voucher plan is a scam.
Vouchers are a direct assault on public schools, creating a two-tiered education system that siphons your hard-earned tax dollars away from the schools serving the majority of our Black, brown, poor and disabled children and funneling them into private schools that are unaccountable...